
Waxensteinstraße 13.

On the front above the door, an inscription that says, “As guest on Earth, be satisfied with what you have now”, and, around the corner, a lüftlmalerei of Saint Hubertus, both painted by Christa Burges in 1981.

Waxensteinstraße 14.

Waxensteinstraße 24.

According to the current owner Gästehaus Schwaiger, the lüftlmalerei on the outside of Waxensteinstraße 27 was painted by Moidele Bickel in 1967. 

His parents, he told me, were both musicians. His father played the zither and his mother was a singer. Hence this image of a Bavarian boy and girl playing the zither and flute, with Saint Elisabeth and an infant Jesus watching from above.