
Von-Brug-Straße 5.

Neoclassical plaster decor, 1904.

With secularization, financial sovereignty over the Werdenfelser Land passed from the Freising diocese to the Electorate of Bavaria. The Werdenfels Rentamt was created, which was housed in the Fürstenstrasse 21 building in Garmisch.

With the elevation of Bavaria to the Kingdom (1806) the office received the name “Royal Bavarian Rent Office Werdenfels” and included the district court district Garmisch, before it was renamed in 1903 in “Royal Rent Office”. After the First World War, the “Garmisch-Partenkirchen tax office” came into being. After the merger of the two municipalities of Garmisch and Partenkirchen in 1935, it was called “Garmisch-Partenkirchen tax office”.

In the autumn of 1907, the Royal Rent Office moved into a new building on Von-Brug-Str. 5 in Garmisch. In the course of time, the range of duties of the office increased and with it the number of employees also increased. As early as 1953, an extension was added to the Art Nouveau building and more service rooms were rented over the years. This splitting up into several office buildings led to discussions about a new tax office building as early as the early 1970s.

At the end of 2006, the Free State of Bavaria then bought the property on what is now Dompfaffstr. 5 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, a site where, until a few years ago, facilities of the US armed forces were found. From autumn 2008, the new office building was built there as a two-story low-rise building with a wooden frame, built according to the most modern ecological criteria with a photovoltaic system and geothermal heating and a daylight-controlled lighting system.

After completion of the building in October 2011, for the first time in many years, all working areas of the Garmisch-Partenkirchen tax office are under one roof.