Mittenwalder Straße

Mittenwalder Straße 1 has window surrounds painted by Sepp Guggemoos in 1998.

Mittenwalder Straße 3. 

On the front of the building there is a painting of the Adoration of the Shepherds, painted by Heinrich Bickel in 1965. During his life, Bickel painted thousands of Lüfltmalereien throughout the region. However, this mural was the very last one painted by the artist.

Clipping from the February 13/14, 1965, Garmisch-Partenkirchen Tagblatt, from the Markt Archiv Ga-Pa, Depositum Heinrich Bickel

Mittenwalder Straße 14a.

Saint Florian by Gerhard Ester, 1995.

Mittenwalder Straße 16.

When the house was painted in 2000, local house painter Georg Johann Rieger was the owner of the first floor apartment, and he did an inscription above the front door at the time: “God’s peace and quiet be granted to this house”.1

Mittenwalder Straße 26.

Saint Florian.

Mittenwalder Straße 28b.

Mittenwalder Straße 39, Haus Thieme-Opel is covered in lüftlmalerei painted by Heinrich Bickel some time after 1945, including:

Saint Christophor as a sundial, Saint Francis with an angel, the Holy Family, Saint Florian, and Saint Hubertus.

Mittenwalderstraße 42, the former Park Cafe.

A sundial, sham architecture, and a radiating window frame, all painted by Heinrich Bickel in, as the banner at the top reads, “AD 1934”.

Mittenwalder Straße 51a.

Sundial with the Zodiac symbols for Pisces.

Mittenwalder Straße 53.

  1. Keller, Sigrun. "Aw: Re: Frage zum Wandbild an der Außenwand Ihres Gebäudes in Garmisch-Partenkirchen". Message to the author, 2 April 2020. E-mail: "als das Haus gestrichen wurde, war Herr Georg Rieger der Eigentümer der Erdgeschosswohnung und hat daher für sich selbst und die anderen Hauseigentümer die Lüftelmalerei gemacht. „Gottes Ruh und Frieden sei diesem Haus beschieden" - das bedeutet wohl , dass Gott diesem Haus Ruhe und Frieden wünscht der wünschen soll...""