
At Frühlingstraße 2, there is a quote painted in a cartouche, with putti on either side:

“Es ist kein Ding so schön gemacht, es kommt ein Spötter, der’s verlacht. Doch wär Er früher hergekommen dann hätt‘ ich Rat von Ihm genommen”.

The quote translates to something like, “There is no thing so well made that, afterwards, someone won’t come to mock it. If he had just come before, though, I would have taken his advice.”

Frühlingstraße 4.

Frühlingstraße 6.

Madonna and child.

At Frühlingstraße 7, the murals, figures, and inset reliefs all date back to 1921.

The sundial around the corner was missing pieces.

Frühlingstraße 10.

Saint Christopher by Franz Winterholler.

Frühlingstraße 10a.

Perhaps not lüftlmalerei, but certainly paintings on the walls, practically hidden by fences and bushes.

On the corner of Frühlingstraße 16, there is an icon, and a mural of a father and son with a deer reminiscent of Saint Hubertus, two children playing, and, above the door, a coat of arms with the date, 1912.

The lüftlmalerei, a retelling of the legend of Saint Hubertus, was restored in 2001 by J. Sommer, but in this photo from the Bavarian State Archives online, you can see that these paintings have changed very little since artist Christa Burges first painted them in 1966.

Photo by Franz Kölbl (1966)

Frühlingstraße 19.

Frühlingstraße 35.