
Ferdinand-Barth-Straße is named for sculptor, painter and draftsman Ferdinand Barth, born in Partenkirchen on November 11, 1842, and who died August 30, 1892.

Ferdinand-Barth-Straße 1a.

On the wall of Ferdinand-Barth-Straße 1, a large lüftlmalerei of a shepherd and chamois by Sebastian Pfeffer in 1984.

Ferdinand-Barth-Straße 10, a nativity scene by K. German.1

Ferdinand-Barth-Straße 12.

On the window in the corner of the building, a lüftlmalerei of Saint Christopher.

Ferdinand-Barth-Straße 17.

Ferdinand-Barth-Straße 19.

Ferdinand-Barth-Straße 29.

A juxtaposition of Saint Martin on the left in the forefront, while on the right in the background, a covered wagon travels through an old Partenkirchen.  As the sign beneath says in German, “The Early Trade Route Between Venice and Augsburg.”

  1. Bierl, Hermann. "Garmisch-Partenkirchen und seine Lüftlmalereien." Mohr, Löwe, Raute. Beiträge zur Geschichte des Landkreises Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Band 18, Verein für Geschichte, Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte im Landkreis Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2020, p. 78: "186 Ferdinand-Barth-Straße 9 Anbetung der Hirten K. German".