
Brand, in German, means either, “fire,” “conflagration,” or “blaze.”  But it can also mean “gangrene,” “firebrand,” or “rust.”

Brandstraße 11, Haus Römer, or the “Roman House,” is the only building on this street with any lüftlmalerei on it — an image of a Roman legionnaire leaning on his shield beside a shepherdess — painted by Heinrich Bickel after 1945.1

Undated photo of a sketch by the artist from the Markt Archiv Ga-Pa, Depositum Heinrich Bickel.
Photo taken in 2019
  1. Härtl, Rudolf. Heinrich Bickel - Der Freskenmaler von Werdenfels. Adam Verlag, 1990, p. 122:"A 139 Brandstraße 11a, Haus Römer: Darstellung eines römischen Legionärs auf Schild gestützl; 1 Schafhüterin mit Schafen; nach 1945."