
On the second floor of Baderseestraße 14, just visible above a row of green hedges, one can see the word “Frisinga”.  

“Frisinga” is  Bavarian for the city of Freising, near Munich.

Freising is one of the oldest settlements in Bavaria, becoming a major religious center in the early Middle Ages. 

Saint Corbinian settled at a shrine that already existed at Freising in 724. He was the forerunner of the diocese of Freising, established after his death by Saint Boniface. According to his Vita by Bishop Arbeo, he ordered a bear to carry his luggage over the Alps after it had killed his packhorse. The saddled bear is still the symbol of the city, displayed in the coat of arms. 

Here, a lüftlmalerei for the city of Freising’s coat of arms, and an image of Saint Corbinian and his bear.